Terms and Conditions of Pet Services

Pet Services Contract

Thank you for choosing Bark N Woof to provide you and your pet(s) with our professional, personalised and premium mobile pet grooming service and other pet related services. In order for us to provide our services to you and your pet(s), we would greatly appreciate if you could spend some time reading the terms and conditions below (these “T & Cs”). By signing on the Pet Services Contract (defined below) or any order for our products and services or, for online submission for any appointment or order for Services, by clicking on the tick box which states “I have read and agreed to the Terms and Conditions”, you acknowledge that you have read, understand and agree to the T & Cs.


1. DEFINITIONS: In these T & Cs, the following expressions shall have the following meanings unless otherwise specified: -
“Bark N Woof” means the registered business called Bark N Woof (UEN. 53088899L) and in the context of the provision of Services includes the proprietor and any agents, employees and contractors thereof, also referred to as “we”/“us”/“our” in these T & Cs;
“Client(s)” means the person(s) engaging the services of Bark N Woof and/or the client(s) stated in the Pet Services Contract, any order for Services or the Client’s Pet Card;
“Client’s Pet Card” means the Client’s card and Pet’s card retained by us containing details of you and your Pet;
“Fees” means the fees payable by the Client to Bark N Woof for the Services provided as per the Pet Services Invoice;
“Pet(s)” means the pet(s) stated in the Pet Services Contract and Pet Services Invoice, any order for Services or the Client’s Pet Card;
“Pet Services Invoice” means the invoice(s) issued to the Client(s) after the Services have been provided by Bark N Woof;
“Pet Services Contract” means the contract(s) signed by the Client(s) (or equivalent agreement to the T & Cs by clicking the relevant tick box in the case of online submission for any appointment or order for Services) for the Services to be provided by Bark N Woof;
“Services” means the products and services sold and provided or to be sold and provided to the Client by Bark N Woof, including but not limited to pet grooming, pet boarding and pet sitting or any order for our products and services;
“T & Cs” means these terms and conditions; and “Term” means the period during which the Services are provided or are to be provided and includes any extension thereof.

In these T & Cs, words importing the singular shall include the plural and vice versa.

2. WARRANTIES: You hereby warrant that your Pet is fit to receive the Services and that you are the legal owner of the Pet or are authorised by the legal owner of the Pet to engage us to provide the Services.

3. INCEPTION OF BARK N WOOF SERVICES: We may provide the Services at your premises and if so, you shall provide us with a safe and reasonably comfortable environment for the provision of the Services, with close proximity to an electrical outlet and fresh, clean water supply.

4. EMERGENCY VETERINARY CARE: In the event that your Pet requires emergency veterinary care during the Term and we are unable to contact you for further instructions, you hereby authorize us to act on your behalf to obtain such emergency veterinary care for your Pet and you shall reimburse us all such costs incurred upon demand, including transportation and veterinary costs. We shall contact your preferred veterinarian stated in the Client’s Pet Card but if your preferred veterinarian is unavailable, we shall obtain veterinary care from another qualified veterinarian.

5. FEES: For Fees exceeding S$150, you shall pay us upon demand a deposit amounting to 50% of the said Fees before our provision of Services and the balance upon receipt of the Pet Services Invoice. If the amount of Fees does not exceed S$150, you shall pay us the full amount upon receiving the Pet Services Invoice. All payments made are non-refundable. Promotional packages, discounts and incentives are provided to you at our sole discretion and we may change the description and pricing of our services at any time and from time to time as found on www.barknwoof.com or any other website as we may determine.

6. CONTAMINATION POLICY: If your Pet is required to enter our premises during the Term and we detect that your Pet is infected with fleas, ticks or other vermin, your Pet must undergo a de-lousing/
de-ticking treatment and you shall reimburse us all costs of and incidental to the said treatment. We shall inform you of this in advance, if possible, and should you refuse to allow your Pet to undergo such treatment, we shall have the right to refuse to provide the Services and you shall reimburse us all costs incurred in relation to your said refusal including but not limited to administrative and transportation charges.

7. CUSTODY: Without prejudice to any rights available to us, if (a) you fail to make full payment to us for the Services provided; or (b) without giving us advance notice, you fail to collect your Pet from us at the end of the Term, we shall hold on to your Pet for up to fourteen (14) days at your expense from the end of the Term and after the 14-day period, we shall have the right to dispose your Pet in any manner we deem fit and you shall indemnify us from any and all liability arising directly or indirectly, out of or in connection with this clause 7.

8. LATE CANCELLATION OR NO-SHOW: You shall inform us at least two (2) hours in advance if you would like to cancel or change any appointments made with us. If you fail to do so, we shall have the right to impose a No-Show surcharge on you for an amount not exceeding the amount of our prevailing rate for the Services.

9. ARRIVAL TIME: We shall have the right to cancel and/or change our arrival time or appointments with you due to unforeseen circumstances beyond our control at any time and from time to time.

10. NO PROVISION OF SERVICES: We shall have the right to refuse to provide any Services at any point in time before and during the Term, without giving you any explanation thereof, and you shall pay us for the costs incurred for the amount of any Services actually provided. Usually, we would refuse to provide Services in relation to pets that, in our opinion, pose a danger to us or to the Pet itself or to the general public.

11. NO PHOTO OR VIDEO TAKING: You shall not take any photos or record any videos of us, whether at our premises or elsewhere, while we are providing the Services, except with our prior written consent.

12. INDEMNITY: You shall hold harmless and indemnify us against any and all liability which we may incur, arising directly or indirectly, out of, or in connection with, the provision of the Services. You also shall not hold us liable and hereby hold us harmless, release and indemnify us from and against all claims by or on behalf of yourself for any loss, injury, mishap or death (to the fullest extent permitted by law) of your Pet arising from or as a consequence of our provision of the Services. You acknowledge and accept the inherent risks, whether foreseen or unforeseen, associated with the provision of the Services.

13. EXCLUSIONS: Any condition or warranty of the Services (including warranties as to description, merchantability, suitability, satisfactory quality and fitness), whether implied or not, are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law.

14. SEVERABILITY: If any of these T & Cs are held to be unlawful, invalid or unenforceable, such of the T & Cs so held shall be deemed severed where capable of being severed and the validity and enforceability of the remaining T & Cs shall not be affected.

15. NO WAIVER: No waiver by us of any default of yours shall be construed as a waiver of any proceeding or succeeding breach of any part of these T & Cs. No granting of time or other forbearance or indulgence by us to you shall in any way release, discharge or otherwise affect your liability under these T & Cs.

16. RIGHTS OF THIRD PARTIES: A person who is not a party to these T & Cs has no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act (Cap. 53B) to rely upon or enforce any of these T & Cs but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from under that Act.

17. GOVERNING LAW AND DISPUTE RESOLUTION: These T & Cs shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Singapore and you hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore. However, before resorting to Court Action, if a dispute arises out of or in connection with these T & Cs which cannot be settled through negotiation, you and we shall in good faith, try to settle the same by mediation administered by the Singapore Mediation Centre.